The recent popularity of impostor syndrome has l to an unexpect and little-studi problem, namely, the misuse of methods to solve this problem. Yes, a person can really be an excellent expert and suffer from an inferiority complex that prevents him from showing his best qualities and achieving high results. However, psychological awareness plays into the hands of those who strive for leadership without having any real grounds for it. How does this happen?
Successful imitation when working on “impostorism
Very young people without asia mobile number list a good ucation and especially long experience in their field want to achieve recognition quickly and easily. At first, they fail, but they consider their attempts insufficient. They know that there is an impostor syndrome. In order not to improve their qualifications and work to gain experience, they begin to experiment with psychological methods of self-promotion. Of course, someone recognizes incompetence, but with confidence and assertiveness comes false success.
How Psychologists Subtly Play Along with the “Imposters
It is interesting that calls to work through the impostor syndrome attract much more often not at all modest workers with outstanding achievements. It is precisely the “imposters” who respond to such calls first of all! They always think that they do not show up enough, do not open up enough, underestimate themselves, etc. Quite correct admonitions of the inner voice that it is too early for them to be leaders are present to the psychologist as impostor syndrome, and yet many psychologists believe them!
As soon as the “impostor” gets the sensible idea
That he is speaking out too temple with golden triangle tour: a spiritual and cultural exploration of india actively and it would be good to slow down and take care of himself, he rushes to work Modern Marketing on the impostor aero leads syndrome. This is to still speak out, not to let himself remain in the shadows, to be convinc of his own merits in one way or another. It is not surprising that modern marketing is captur by “impostors” who are actively fighting the syndrome.