Support for “impostorism” in the press and society

This paradox is resolv sooner or later when the lack of real knowlge becomes obvious, but it is already possible to earn a lot of money.

A natural question arises: are publications about impostor syndrome so harmless if they are us independently, bas on their own assessments and without consulting a specialist? Most “imposters” will even work through the syndrome without a psychologist.

The more fashionable the call to combat

The problem press and society middle east mobile number list becomes, the more “imposters” manage to break through to market leaders, take up management positions, and receive higher salaries. It is high time to shift the emphasis in the presentation of this phenomenon!

Self-deception expos
How can this be done? First of all, by rehabilitating the “impostor” as such and admitting that he really exists. “If you are worri that you are an “impostor”, then you are a real professional” – this approach is unacceptable. Most people engage in such self-deception.

Here it is enough to recall the biblical story about the publican, who tries to portray a repentant sinner in order to receive his reward from God himself.

ucation and experience are real assets

If a person press and society the fastest ways to get your track on itunes without compromise believes that he nes to study more, then there is no ne to prevent him from doing so, urging him to work through the impostor syndrome. A healthy sense of one’s own imperfection stimulates the training of highly qualifi aero leads professionals who are truly modest and dicat to their work. Attempts to force such people to declare themselves prematurely do not benefit society, nor the person himself.


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