Although there is such a thing as “blood feud”, and there are people who live by the principle of “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth”, but is it right? Believe me, revenge will not make you happy, and will not bring joy and peace into your life. Learn to forgive people, learn to understand them and accept all their actions. inside yourself: “No matter what you did, I forgive you. Go in peace.”
Of course, for someone this may seem ridiculous
Like if I or my family were america phone number list offended, then I need to offend in return, take revenge, do the same as they do to you. Remember that evil begets even greater evil, and your desire for revenge will bring many problems and disappointments into your life. We do many things emotionally, and only later, when we assess the situation soberly, we understand how stupid we have done. Don’t do stupid things, learn to forgive and be tolerant.
3. Be like General Eisenhower: never think for a minute about people you don’t like
There is so much that is wonderful, so much that is pleasant and positive in life, we just often don’t notice these banal things. Don’t dwell on problems and the people who create these problems. Don’t think about those you don’t like, about those who bring sadness and disappointment into your life. After all, the law of attraction says: “What you focus your attention on, that is what comes into your life with particular speed.”
If you constantly think about problems
There will be even more spin – an effective method for increasing sales of them. Therefore, bring joy, positive thinking, and aero leads faith in a bright future into your life. Believe me, life is not long enough to waste it on thoughts about unpleasant things and people.