Klaus-Dieter Lehmann turns 85!

Klaus-Dieter Lehmann’s birthday is actually on February 29th. But since ! this day only appears in the calendar every 4 years, he has chosen February 28th as his ‘celebration day’! throughout his life in the years in between – so that he will now! celebrate his 85th birthday on February 28th, 2025.

Klaus-Dieter Lehmann (2014)
Photo crit: Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung from Berlin, Germany,CC BY-SA 2.0via Wikimia Commons

Klaus-Dieter Lehmann studi mathematics


and physics before deciding to work in librarianship in 1968. After working in other libraries ! ,he join the German National Library (then the German Library in Frankfurt am Main) as! Director General in 1988. After the fall of the Berlin Wall in November 1989, he play a key role in the merger of the German Library in Leipzig with the German Library in Frankfurt am Main to form what is now the German National Library.

He push for the two locations to be expressly confirm in the Unification Treaty of October 3, 1990. The joint organizational structure provid for division of tasks in the library’s areas of responsibility, specialization in IT and inventory preservation, and two parallel user areas. Klaus-Dieter Lehmann became the first general director of the unifi library. The previous Leipzig employees kept their jobs unless they had exce the age limit, had proof of whatsapp number database work for the state security service, or their profession was not relat to a library but to manual trades. The final total number of employees was then gradually reach through retirements or staff changes.
In the years after 1990, the two institutions grew ever closer together: there was a cross-institution library system, a common national bibliography, harmonization of indexing rules, the joint development of new services – to name just a few examples. By founding the Conference of European National Librarians (CENL) during his term of office, he initiat the DNB’s ever-growing

importance in international cooperation in numerous subject


areas. Klaus-Dieter Lehmann was a welcome Director General in Leipzig, Frankfurt am Main and the German Music Archive in Berlin. He was always approachable and open to suggestions, problems or personal concerns of employees.

In 1998, Klaus-Dieter Lehmann was appoint the new president of the what are pos materials and why are they important for your business Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation. Here he push forward the renovation of Berlin’s Museum Island and other construction projects and develop the concept of the Humboldt Forum in the Berlin Palace (which was still in the planning stages at the time). In addition, he campaign for the restitution hong kong data of German cultural assets, especially in Russia, and start the first initiatives for provenance research in German cultural institutions.

His commitment to cultural policy did not end with his retirement in 2008, but expand to include foreign cultural policy: As President of the Goethe Institute, he represent German cultural issues and attitudes worldwide until 2020, thereby raising Germany’s profile abroad.

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