Even more, if you have approval from the owner or control over some websites, then you can also list them on White Press.
Step 1:
The first step is to sign up for White Press . Choose the Marketer option.
Then fill in your details in the Settings -> My Account section.
Step 2:
After you create your account, you will azerbaijan phone number data need to add a project. A project is the website you are promoting.
This will allow you to differentiate, for example, between your own websites and those of your clients.
Once a project is created, you will be able to see the list of websites on which you can promote yourself.
List of WhitePress websites
Step 3 (most important):
The next step is to choose the websites on which to promote yourself.
Now you’re probably wondering: What links do I buy? How do I choose the right websites?
This is probably the most difficult analytics standards operations step marketers have to take when it comes to promotion.
White Press makes it simple. At first glance, the filter seems quite complex. And it is. But I’ll show you right away how to use it easily.
WhitePress CTATry WhitePress too
Many will continue to look at cob directory statistics like DA and PA. Whitepress has them integrated, both Moz and Ahrefs. Just click on the site and find out.