Improving the customer experience

Have you heard about digital transformation? This term has gained the attention of companies from all sectors around the world.

But what exactly is it? Some people think it’s an IT effort or involves , along with a host of other ideas and definitions.

And, although for a long time this process was a  singapore phone number data vision of the future, today this scenario has changed. In fact, the transformation is increasingly present in Latin American organizations and in many more around the world.

Its implementation, however, requires structural changes in organizations , depending on the objectives they want to achieve.

Therefore, it is necessary to understand exactly what this transformation means, what its impact is on society and how to apply it in business processes and marketing strategies .

In this article, we will explain the main advantages of digital transformation that lead companies to adopt it in their business model, what path the transformation is following in some Latin American countries and how you can successfully begin this process in your business. Keep reading!

In this article you will find:

  • What is digital transformation?
  • What is the impact of digital transformation on society?
  • 6 myths about digital transformation that you need to forget
  • Understand the development of technological progress
  • The 3 pillars on the path to digital transformation
  • The roadmap for digital transformation

What is digital transformation?

Digital transformation is a process in which companies use technology to improve performance, increase reach and ensure better results. It is a structural change in organizations, giving an essential role to technology.

But then, practically all companies are investing in to access your website feed or check his, right? You’re wrong! This concept is much broader than having a fan page or a corporate blog, although these are part of the series of Online Marketing str singapore phone number data ategies .

Instead, it is about a radical change in the structure of organizations, in which technology becomes a central strategic role, and not just a superficial presence.

This takes time and consumes resources, but it is not only large organizations that can implement digital transformation programs, because this is not restricted to those who have more money.

First, it is necessary to understand the entire process that leads to this change and to work collaboratively to achieve it.

This alone makes digital transformation much more of a management challenge than just a marketing or technology one.

Among other factors that we need to understand mobile lead  is the impact of these types of changes on society in general.

Understand the development of technological progress

Digital transformation is not just another buzzword, a fancy term to say that it’s worth investing in Facebook Ads or something like that.

On the contrary, it is part of a much larger process, which is called the technological process. There are three main phases, with digital transformation being the last one.

Look at what each of these stages consists of and how they culminate in this movement that we are currently witnessing.


Typing is described as the process of transitioning analog information into a digital form. How so?

It involves the representation of signals, sounds, images and objects for the digital medium by means of binary values ​​(each value is represented by 0 or 1).

In other words, data is transformed into bits and stored on electronic devices.

Entire industries benefit from this process,

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