How to Speed ​​Up Windows 11

Windows 11 brings numerous performance improvements to the system, but there is always room for optimization. Whether you are experiencing sluggishness or just want to squeeze every ounce of speed out of your PC, these methods can help improve your Windows 11 experience.

Adjust power settings for optimal performance
Your power plan has a significant impact on system performance. Windows 11 offers three main power options: Balanced, Power Saver, and High Performance. To maximize speed, especially for desktops or laptops connected to a power source, switch to the High Performance plan.

To change power settings:

Click the search icon on the taskbar and type “Control Panel.”

Select the Control Panel app from the results.

In Control Panel, click Power Options

You will see the available power plans. Select High Performance by clicking the switch next to it.

This change can provide immediate performance improvements, especially for resource-intensive tasks.

Disable unnecessary background apps
Many apps run in the c level contact list background, consuming system resources even when not in use. Disabling unnecessary background apps can free up memory and processing power.

To manage background apps:

Open the Settings app by pressing Windows+I.

Go to System > Apps > Apps & features.

Scroll through the list or use the search bar to find specific apps


Tap the three-dot menu next to the app and select More options.

Under Background App Permissions, click the drop-down list and select Never.

Repeat this process for all with digitalization in full swing, new opportunities unnecessary applications to free up system resources.

Disable visual effects
Windows 11 visual effects improve aesthetics, but can impact performance, especially on older hardware. Disabling these effects can speed up your system.

To customize visual effects:

Open Settings and go to Personalization > Colors.
Turn off “Transparency Effects”.

For more complete visual adjustments

Type “sysdm.cpl” in the search box and press Enter.
In the System Properties taiwan lead dialog box, click the Advanced tab.
Under Performance, click Settings.
Select “Adjust for best performance” or manually uncheck the effects you don’t want.

Click Apply and then OK to save your changes.
How to Speed ​​ Optimizing startup programs
Programs that run at startup can significantly slow down boot times and overall system performance. Disabling unnecessary startup items can result in faster boot times and improved responsiveness.

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