Collect ideas for your YouTube channel

After you have defined your goals, it’s time to brainstorm Collect ideas. The idea is to collect as many ideas as possible for your YouTube channel.

First, write down the ideas that you already have in mind. After all, you will have already thought of one or two topics when you decided to start a YouTube channel.

Then you proceed in the same way as if you were looking for a niche for a new website. You analyze all possible aspects of your life . You go through hobbies, work, family, problems, free time, worries and much more and write down what concerns and moves you.

Of course, you can also look for ideas elsewhere. You could simply surf around on YouTube and get inspiration, read magazines or something similar. However, these are usually topics that you have no connection to and that is not ideal. You should have an interest and passion for the topic of your own YouTube channel.

analyzing ideas

Once you have gathered a number of ideas for your own YouTube channel, it’s time to analyze them. After all, we want to choose the perfect topic colombia phone number data and not just a halfway suitable one Collect ideas.

Before I get to the individual analysis steps, one more note regarding the wording “perfect”. For me, that doesn’t mean 100%. If you’re looking for a topic that is really 100% perfect, you’ll be searching forever and that’s not ideal. Instead, it should be the perfect topic for you. You should choose the topic that is best suited for a YouTube channel based on your own interests and hobbies.

This is your perfect topic .

Is the interest big enough?
Just like with websites, you should also analyze YouTube to see whether there is any interest in a topic. After all, there is no point in starting a YouTube continuous ımprovement: the key to seo success channel on a topic that no one is interested in.

As far as I know, there is no simple and free search volume analysis for YouTube available online. But there are ways to get an idea of ​​this Collect ideas.

The search volume on Google is definitely a good indicator. If something has been searched for frequently on Google, then it is often quite popular on YouTube as well.

You can also get a feel for the popularity of topics on italy numbers YouTube using the Google Keyword Planner . To do this, go to “Tools” in your AdWords account and then to “Display Network Campaign Planner”. Here you enter an idea (=keyword) under “Find targeting ideas based on a phrase, website or category”.

Under “Filter” you only select “Video” and under “Sizes” click on “Not specified”. Then click on “Get ideas for ad groups”.

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