United States

United States

Daniel Driscoll Vice President, CIO Governance

联系人姓名:Daniel Driscoll 联系人职务详情:cio governance 联系人职务:information_technology 联系人职位:Vice President, CIO Governance 联系人职位资历:c_suite 联系人城市:Miami 联系人所在州:Florida 联系人国家:United States 联系人邮政编码:33178 公司名称:TracFone Wireless Inc 业务域:tracfone.com 企业 […]

United States

Richard Hendricks Middleware Developer / Programmer

联系人姓名:Richard Hendricks 联系人职务详情:middleware developer programmer 联系人职务:engineering 联系人职位:Middleware Developer / Programmer 联系人职位资历:entry 联系人城市:Sacramento 联系人所在州:California 联系人国家:United States 联系人邮政编码:95817 公司名称:University of California Davis

United States

Shakeel Hye Director, IT Governance

联系人姓名:Shakeel Hye 联系人职务详情:it governance 联系人职务:information_technology 联系人职位:Director, IT Governance 联系人职位资历:director 联系人城市:Miami 联系人所在州:Florida 联系人国家:United States 联系人邮政编码:33178 公司名称:TracFone Wireless Inc 业务域:tracfone.com 企业 Facebook

United States

Kenny Huang Director, Customer Analytics & Strategic Initiatives

联系人姓名:Kenny Huang 联系人职务详情:customer analytics strategic initiatives 联系人职务: 联系人职位:Director, Customer Analytics & Strategic Initiatives 联系人职位资历:director 联系人城市:Rosemont 联系人所在州:Illinois 联系人国家:United States 联系人邮政编码:60018 公司名称:US

United States

Quincy McLain Chief Financial Officer

联系人姓名:Quincy McLain 联系人职务详情:cfo 联系人职务:finance 联系人职位:Chief Financial Officer 联系人职位资历:c_suite 联系人城市:New York 联系人所在州:New York 联系人国家:United States 联系人邮政编码: 公司名称:The Institutes of Applied Human

United States

Jason Debiak Partner, Creative Director

联系人姓名:Jason Debiak 联系人职务详情:partner creative 联系人职务: 联系人职位:Partner, Creative Director 联系人职位资历:partner 联系人城市:New York 联系人所在州:New York 联系人国家:United States 联系人邮政编码: 公司名称:Paper Tiger LLC 业务域:papertiger.com

United States

Cornell Alexander Manager, Security Operations

联系人姓名:Cornell Alexander 联系人职务详情:security operations 联系人职务:operations 联系人职位:Manager, Security Operations 联系人职位资历:manager 联系人城市:Alexandria 联系人所在州:Virginia 联系人国家:United States 联系人邮政编码:22312 公司名称:Modern Technology Solutions Inc 业务域:mtsi-va.com 企业

United States

Donna Rubin business owner

联系人姓名:Donna Rubin 联系人职务详情:business 联系人职务:business_development 联系人职位:business owner 联系人职位资历:owner 联系人城市:New York 联系人所在州:New York 联系人国家:United States 联系人邮政编码: 公司名称:BikramYogaNYC 业务域:bikramyoganyc.com 企业 Facebook 网址: 企业

United States

Karen Tai Director, Research (IFC TV)

联系人姓名:Karen Tai 联系人职务详情:research ifc tv 联系人职务: 联系人职位:Director, Research (IFC TV) 联系人职位资历:director 联系人城市:New York 联系人所在州:New York 联系人国家:United States 联系人邮政编码:10001 公司名称:AMC Networks

United States

Alex Chin Founder / Principal

联系人姓名:Alex Chin 联系人职务详情:founder 联系人职务:education,entrepreneurship 联系人职位:Founder / Principal 联系人职位资历:founder 联系人城市:Chicago 联系人所在州:Illinois 联系人国家:United States 联系人邮政编码: 公司名称:SeasonsCards 业务域:seasonsplayingcards.com 企业 Facebook 网址:http://facebook.com/seasons 企业 LinkedIn:http://www.linkedin.com/company/2668221

United States

Sunil Singhal Architect

联系人姓名:Sunil Singhal 联系人职务详情:architect 联系人职务: 联系人职位:Architect 联系人职位资历:entry 联系人城市:Cincinnati 联系人所在州:Ohio 联系人国家:United States 联系人邮政编码:45202 公司名称:Macy’s Inc 业务域:macys.com 企业 Facebook 网址:http://www.facebook.com/macys 企业 LinkedIn:http://www.linkedin.com/company/2300,http://www.linkedin.com/company/2300 商业推特:http://twitter.com/macys

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