Hanaan Yaseen Strategy and Business Planning Executive
联系人姓名:Hanaan Yaseen 联系人职务详情:strategy business planning executive 联系人职务:business_development 联系人职位:Strategy and Business Planning Executive 联系人职位资历:entry 联系人城市: 联系人所在州: 联系人国家:Romania 联系人邮政编码: 公司名称:ProTV 业务域:protv.ro 企业 Facebook 网址:https://www.facebook.com/ProTVRomania/ 企业 LinkedIn:http://www.linkedin.com/company/85155 商业推特:https://twitter.com/protvro 企业网站:http://www.protv.ro bahrain telemarketing data 1 million package 商业天使名单: 企业成立年份: 商务城市:Bucharest 企业邮政编码: 业务状态:Bucharest 业务所在国家:Romania 商务语言: 企业员工:323 make your b2b business plan for the next year in 5 steps 业务类别:broadcast media 业务专长:broadcast…