Bad Amazon advertising materials

I know this problem from the past Amazon advertising materials. Amazon provides a range of widgets that you can integrate into your own website. You can also use Site Stripe to call up a small product box and integrate it into your own site. But these are neither particularly pretty (the widgets in particular are outdated) nor particularly convenient . That’s why many affiliates find it difficult and instead just integrate text links.

But that doesn’t have to be the case Amazon advertising materials. There are now a lot of useful WordPress plugins that allow you to integrate Amazon product boxes, bestseller lists and more into your own website.

On the one hand, there is a free plugin from Amazon itself, which is quite good for getting started, but lacks more advanced functions.

Paid Amazon plugins Amazon advertising materials

such as AAWP, offer far more options, allowing colombia phone number data for a wide. Variety of product boxes, offers and comparison tables.

In this way, you can present the products in a much more appealing way, which will attract more attention from visitors and therefore more clicks.

Tip: You should not be too sparing with the Amazon affiliate links and advertising materials and should include them several times per page. It is also worth using a special Amazon plugin, as in my experience this significantly increases revenue.


In addition, 17% of those surveyed said that they had no problems with Amazon PartnerNet. That’s great and shows that it is possible to generate good income with it.

Only 7% of the survey participants do not use the ıt is a set of methods and practices aimed Amazon affiliate program at all and 3% were blocked by the PartnerNet team. This is usually due to violations of the terms and conditions , but is usually not understood by the affiliates. You usually don’t get more than emails with standard modules.

It would also be great if a violation did not immediately result in being kicked out of the PartnerNet. Amazon should also work on this.

Basically, it is important that you adhere email leads database to the Partner. Net terms and conditions and are aware of what you are allowed to do and what you are not allowed to do. Amazon recently provided a very interesting and clear article on this. If you read it, you can significantly reduce the risk of being kicked out.

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