Adapt contact practices to the distance

As you scroll down the page, you will be able to  singapore phone number data see the details of the research, which is organized into several tabs.

Note that the first tab details the analysis performed by Google PageSpeed ​​and the second shows the particularities pointed out by Yahoo YSlow.

The next tab, “Waterfall,” offers an amazing graph

showing when each element of the website loads.

Note that it is also possible to refine the display of the chart , showing information that refers only to HTML , CSS , images, etc.

Hovering or clicking on these elements displays additional information, further enriching the analysis.

The “Timing” tab provides various details about each stage of the site’s loading.

When you hover over each rectangle on the timeline, information related to the event is displayed.

As shown in the features topic, the “Video” tab generates a video of the site loading. Finally, the “History” tab shows the performance history , taking into account the analyses you have previously performed.

In the side menu is the “Compare” option. When  how artificial intelligence improves checkout you click on that option, a screen appears with a text box that allows you to enter the address of another website to make a performance comparison.

As with the initial survey, you can also change the details of the analysis he

The next screen puts the performance of the two sites side by side, making comparison much easier.

Loading speed is a very important aspect of a website.

After all, if users leave too quickly, your entire doctors email list  marketing strategy ends up being undermined, since it depends on them staying and taking action to become leads and customers.

In this sense, GTmetrix is ​​a great ally, as it manages to perform a very detailed analysis of your website or blog, allowing you to make the necessary optimizations. As a result, the user experience will be much better.

What do you think? Interesting, isn’t it? If you want to learn more, read our article on page speed and become an expert on the subject.

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