Dale Carnegie: Best Quotes and Sayings

Probably every person whose work is connected with the art of public speaking is familiar with the works of Dale Carnegie. If you are hearing this name for the first time, we advise you to immediately find his books on the Internet or buy them, because these are masterpieces that were written more than half a century ago, but remain relevant to this day.

Today we will not examine Carnegie’s biography

In detail, or analyze his books, but will pay attention to the best quotes, statements and advice of the American psychologist and writer. What is interesting about Carnegie’s quotes? Firstly, they are not unambiguous. After reading this or that phrase, everyone will find something special in it, something that will suit him and his life situations. Secondly, Carnegie is a world-renowned expert, and his best quotes and advice contain many wisdoms and lessons. One small, but incredibly accurate phrase can make tens of thousands of minds think.
So today we will think a little about the best sayings and quotes of Dale Carnegie, we will try to analyze them,.

Understand what this great man wanted to tell us

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Dale Carnegie Quotes: 10 Amazing Tips
1. If you are looking for happiness, then you don’t need to think about gratitude or ingratitude .
Let go of duality. Surrender to the inner joy that comes from giving yourself.

Dale Carnegie understood this world very correctly

We cannot be happy as how a developer resisted a market decline Quotes and Sayings long as we divide everything that happens into good and bad, ours and yours, cold and warm. We need to move away from dualities aero leads and perceive everything as it is. Whatever happens in your life – accept it as a given, as an experience, as a lesson, as an opportunity to change something, to act differently.
Expectations are another problem that will definitely not make a person happy. Therefore, if you do something, do not expect gratitude or ingratitude. You do not act in a certain way in order to be praised and told how great you are. Surrender to inner joy and enjoy everything that happens, regardless of the assessment of others.
2. Never settle Quotes and Sayings scores with your enemies, because in the end it will do more harm to you than to them.

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